Here you learn more about:
That is how this web site works.
This is the web site og the
State of Bavaria Office in Israel.
At the head on the right side, there is the icon of the
State of Bavaria Office in Israel.

Click on this icon.
This will lead you to the homepage
of the Bavaria State Office in Israel.
At the left, there is a selection bar with further icons.

You may click on the items.
The icons have different functions.
Clicking on the house-icon on the left side
will lead you to the homepage
of the State of Bavaria Office in Israel.
Here you do also find the icons for accessibility.
You can Schange the size of the font.
Thus you can read the web site more easily.
You can have the web site being read aloud.
You can change contrast.
Thus you can read the web site more easily.
By clicking on the icons you will also be lead to easy language
and to sign-language video.
If you want to write us a message
click on contact.
the white field next to the icons is the serch function.
You may put one or more words inside this field.
Then you will find anything
related to these word or words on this website.
Beneath that there is a dark blue selection bar.
That is the main navigation of the web site.
By clicking on the main navigation bar you can selebt the web sites.

The navigation bar helps you
to find certain information.
There are information about
- opportunities in Bavaria,
- Bavaria,
- Israel,
- News & Events,
- us.

Click on opportunities.
There you get information about
what enterprises from Israel may do in Bavaria
and employees
and tourists
and students.

By clicking on about Bavaria
you learn more about Bavaria,
about its population,
about its economy,
about what is special about Bavaria.

Click on about Israel.
There you will learn interesting facts about Israel.
Learn more about how bavarian eneterprises may work in Israel.
Learn more about how Bavaria and Israel cooperate.
Learn more about what is special about Israel.

Click on News & Events.
There you can find the latest news
and the dates of events
and there they will take place.