Business Opportunities

The outlook for growth and business opportunity in the United States is positive, especially for companies that are willing and able to leverage new technology based disruptive trends and new challenges.  With the improving US economy and the proposed Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (T-TIP) sentiments for growth in trade and investment are high.  The difficulties of the past decade have impacted industry sectors differently and some industries were born out of the conflicts.

Information Communications and Technology

Information Communications and Technology (ICT) has long been a driver of economic growth and opportunity.  Regions like California’s Silicon Valley, New York’s Silicon Alley and the suburbs of Boston are well known for their high tech scene.  However, there is a shift of the high tech sector into other urban locations and college towns:  Huntsville-Alabama, Austin-Texas, Lexington-Kentucky, Davis County-Utah to site a few. 

Opportunity in the US is high for enterprise-IT’s game changing technologies:  cloud computing and big data as well as software-as-a-service and platform-as-a-service.   On the consumer IT side opportunities and innovation abound in mobility, social media and mobile apps.

Life Sciences

Life science companies in the U.S. report a positive trend both domestically, as they better understand the Affordable Care Act (Obama Care) and internationally, as they more effectively seize opportunities in emerging markets.


Consumer demand for content and changes in how people consume media are shaping opportunities in the media and entertainment sector.   Consumers are driving media businesses to become increasingly agile with constant digital innovation.  Growth opportunities lie in digital as opposed to traditional media, particularly with the explosion in smart devices.


The United States has the second largest automotive market in the world (after China). The US automotive sector, despite its recent challenges, is today welcoming a period of prosperity and a surge of innovation.  One major driver of this, is the convergence of IT and mobile technology on the sector.  IT and automotive are together creating business opportunities and jobs and yes, direly needed innovation!


The US, one of the world’s top consumers of energy, is likewise a leader in the production of energy.  And Ernst and Young’s (2013) 10th annual Renewable Energy Country Attractiveness Index shows the US is the most attractive place in world for renewable energy, ahead of China and Germany.  Factors studied include incentives, opportunities for projects, economic stability, ease of doing business, growth in energy demand, energy supply security, ability to bring a profit and affordability of renewable energy.

The US is well positioned for investment from renewable energy innovators from Germany and around the globe.