As the Business Promotion Agency of the Free State of Bavaria, Invest in Bavaria supports companies from Germany and abroad and from a wide range of sectors in finding the ideal location in Bavaria, so that they can be successful right from the moment they settle here.
Bavaria has all anyone could ever need for a well-earned break from the hectic of everyday life. Recharge those batteries by visiting one of our historic towns and cities, on a long and relaxing walk through the beautiful Bavarian countryside or by enjoying typical Bavarian food. Bavaria is always worth a visit. Come and see for yourself!
Welcome to the Bavarian U.S. Offices for Economic Development USA
Invest in Bavaria and the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs offer companies in the USA comprehensive support in choosing a location and expanding their business in Bavaria.
Bavaria is a popular place to invest and in demand as a trading partner and provider of products and services on an EU level as well as on a global scale.
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